We decided to do a halloween party here at the foreign language school with all of our teachers and their kids. We went around and invited different English teachers from the different schools, and they all seemed to be pretty excited. Word traveled around the school like it does in grace Idaho, so by the end of the day I had students and teachers acting out that they wanted to come to the part has well. I was glad more people wanted to come, but that meant doing a lot more sugar cookies! On Friday me and kiffyn cleaned and decorated the school as much as we could. China doesn’t celebrate halloween, so we couldn’t buy any cute decorations, or halloween costumes for that matter. We had a cake walk (candy walk in our case), booming for apples, pop toss, and had the kids go trick or treating. The kids and the teachers came exactly at 7:00. They actually all came dressed up! Like I said there’s no halloween things here, so we were excited to see the kids were able to find stuff to make it more exciting for them. I was a 50s girl, but I don’t think they really knew what I was because the teacher kept asking if I was a princess. Why would a princess wear a poodle skirt? Good question, but I guess the 50s in china was a lot different. We also made sugar cookies for them, and they LOVED them. “One of the teachers said I’ve all ready eaten 7, and I can’t stop!” It might be a possibility we made some of the Asians gain 5 lbs that night, and I’m completely okay with it. The night went so good! Everyone had such a blast! The night ended with the girls teaching in Zhenjiang coming to visit us and staying the night at our school. We did some walking around the city in our costumes, a scary movie, and a little girl talk. It all made for such a great night!











